Saturday, May 14, 2011

Third Palestinian Intifada

2omorow is "The Third Palestinian Intifada " what does that mean??
i asked a lot of ppl besides reading online articles and i found out that it is the 63 memory of "taking Palestine by jews".

and with some search i recognized that there are 4 days one for collecting ppl "yom el za7f" another for "the nafir friday" and the "za2eer sataurday" and the last one "el ta7reer sunday".

i asked myself many questions what i'm supposed to do now?? , going there ?? with whom ?? why?? ,how?? a lot of questions..

i really wanted to know my opinion??
to answer this question i needed to think more and i finally found 2 opinions one say :

i know that we should help our brothers in Palestine but we are in a very bad situation at our Egyptian borders how could u go there and start a war and your countery in danger ??

and another say :
but we always say that and they still in "Colonialism" till now from 63 years till nowww... and we wont do anything except being with them saying we are "with you",so it is time to make something, now it is time to get ride of this Israeli Colonialism in 3'aza.

after a while i said we couldn't help them before as we were "makhoreen" but now u can help with just being with them say i agree with you.

i'm with you and if i can go there i will ,
i wish i could go to Palestine to help and get the "Shehada" for fighting and saying there is nothing called Isreal but it is Palestine "Alkods"
وستظل القدس عربية ...

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